Many clubs in the region host Business House competitions on weeknights during the Spring and Summer. Business House Bowls is an opportunity to have 'non-bowlers' (and club bowlers - maximum of one per team) participate in a vibrant “social summer league” sport with their mates and/or work colleagues.
A typical format is shown below:
5 x week league
Teams of three (the team can change each week)
Two bowl triples
Games commence 5.30 pm
Bar opens at 5.00pm
3 games of 45 minutes
Weekly prizes
Points earned each week are accumulated
$10.00 per player per night.
Flat soled shoes, sandals or sports shoes are required.
Bowls can be supplied if required.
5.00 p.m. Club Rooms open with bar facilities
5.30 p.m. 1st game commences
6.20 p.m. 2nd game commences
7.10 p.m. 3rd game commences
8.00 p.m. Raffle results, prize giving and socialising
If you would like to enter a team contact us or your local club for details of their Business House Bowls.